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Вытворцы вулічных святл, пейзажыўных святл, дворных святл, LED сонечных вулічных святл, розных вулічных святл, вулічных святлых полясаў і т.д. Marchand de luminaire pro

China Xuzhou Zhengmeng Technology Co., Ltd

Xuzhou Zhengmeng Lighting Co., Ltd. знаходзіцца ў базе вытворчасці вулічных лампаў у Кітаі. З таго часу, як яна была заснаваная, кампанія пастаянна ўводзіла развітыя індустрыйныя прылады і апошнія тэхналогіі. База прадукцыі кампаніі дасягнула 12000 квадратных метраў, з 280 прадукцыйнымі працаўнікамі, 35 тэхнічнымі персаналамі, 10 прафесійнымі тэхнічнымі персаналамі і 25 прадаўнікамі. Гэта элітная каманда, якая інтэгравае распрацоўку, дызайн і прадажку.
Xuzhou Zhengmeng Lighting Co., Ltd. звязаны распрацаваць прадукты аўтарычнага асветлення, напрыклад, высокія паліцавыя святла, дарожныя святла, пейзажавыя святла, судовыя святла, паплавы святла і падводныя святла. Прадукт мае розныя стылі і больш за 2000 розных розных відаў, якія шырока ўжываюцца на розныя дарогі, урадныя вуліцы, квадраты, паркі, луксузныя вілы, сады і іншыя месцы. На базе пошуку праўды і якасці тэхналогіі пастаянна інавацыююць, і прадукт мае прывагі, такія як доўгі жыццё службы, бяспека і захаванне энергіі, лёгка ўсталяваць і прыгожы выгляд. Такім чынам, ён выйграў адзіночную хвалу ад домашніх і замежных кліентаў, і прадукт экспартаваны ў розныя часткі свету.

Application of Outdoor Lights :
Garden lamp

Garden lamp

Patio lights usually refer to outdoor road lighting fixtures below 6 meters. Garden lights have the characteristics of diversity, beauty and beautification and decoration of the environment. Mainly used in urban slow lane, narrow lane, residential areas, tourist attractions, parks, squares and other public places outdoor lighting.

Landscape lights

Landscape lights

Landscape art lights are an indispensable part of modern landscapes. It not only has high ornamental value, but also emphasizes the coordination and unity of the landscape of artistic lanterns with the historical culture and surrounding environment of the scenic area.

road lamp

road lamp

Road lights are lighting facilities set up on the road to provide necessary visibility for vehicles and pedestrians at night. Courtyard lights, landscape lights, and street lights form a three-dimensional lighting mode, enhancing the decorative effect of the road, beautifying the urban night scene, and also making up for the insufficient illumination of road lights.

Smart street lights

Smart street lights

Smart street lights will be based on road lighting poles, integrating public security, traffic signals, communication, traffic signs, etc., to achieve multi pole integration, reduce road poles, and release public space resources. Street light poles are considered as carriers with better outdoor coverage of 5G base stations. Driven by the construction of smart cities and 5G base stations, they will gradually transform from a single lighting function to a new type of public infrastructure.

Flood Light

Flood Light

A spotlight, also known as a lighting fixture, that causes the illumination on the designated illuminated surface to be higher than the surrounding environment. Mainly used for large-scale mining sites, building contours, sports stadiums, overpasses, monuments, parks, flower beds, etc. Therefore, almost all large area lighting fixtures used outdoors can be regarded as floodlights.

Washing wall lights

Washing wall lights

Washing wall lights to make them wash the walls like water is mainly used for building decoration and lighting, as well as to outline the outline of large buildings. Due to the characteristics of LED light sources such as energy conservation, high light efficiency, rich colors, and long lifespan, other light source wall washing lamps are gradually being replaced by LED wall washing lamps.